

I had this weird dream last night. As usual, not all the pieces fit together, but I was staying at some communal bunker with a group of people and each day when we got back we had to claim a bed. It felt very homeless shelter-esque but it was not. It was dirty and quite communal, but I was there with friends or people I knew working on something. It's all a little fuzzy now but at some point Adam was there. And I can't remember when or how he got there, but I have a distinct memory of him walking behind me down this aisle, and I was taking off a jacket, and then a sweater. And the aisle opened up a bit and I turned around and slowed as he approached from behind, and he smiled at me. In that way I remember he used to smile. And then I smiled, too. Then not a few steps after, I looked to my right and he was ahead of me, grasping the cross-body strap of a bright yellow bag that was laying across a blonde female in a white shirt. I never saw her face, only the back of her head. And he walked off with her toward the exit.

I turned left to go back to the room. A few steps back, I decided to turn and look, and he had parted from her as she continued toward the exit. He instead went to a different exit where he had to show some sort of card or ID to leave. He kept looking through the fence to find her on the other side. There was also a distinct velcro sound as he opened up what I hope was not his wallet. Because velcro wallets!? And I walked back to my bed. Then awoke in mine. With visions of that smile and bright yellow bags.

Her blonde hair had dark roots. Just saying.

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