
Extra hour

Last weekend Emily and I went to this halloween party, and there was a lady there reading tarot cards. Normally not my thing, but I was into it, she was cool. I can't remember everything but... first things first. She laid out my cards and paused, then said, this hasn't happened to me in years. Your card combination is just very odd and I can't get a good grasp on the overall story. Huh, cool. That's how I feel in my life so I guess that sounds about right. Regardless, she walked me through it, and one thing that stood out was a call to listen to my heart.

So I've been thinking about that.

Related, I dropped by the art museum for a quick round yesterday afternoon. I'm not sure if it was new, but I stumbled across the American Art section upstairs, and from across the room saw a beauty. I walked closer and see it's half dome in Yosemite. Naturally, staring at it, I started crying. Feelings. Was an amazing piece, though.

I guess that's it at the moment.

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