

I've felt a bit like writing lately, yet when I go to, I'm not sure what to say. My doctor referred to me as an enigma yesterday, and I'm certain that's not good when that person is trying to diagnose me. Though, I laughed, because I often feel that way about myself. I get it doc, even I confuse myself.

I have moments of despair when I cry myself to sleep thinking, I will never get better. Or if I do, I can't see today how that that will occur. I am embarrassed to admit it. It affects me. Though I don't want it to. I am frustrated and transitioning out of a place where I have a simple injury and will return to the normal me, to just a new me who has to think about things differently and maybe not do the things I want to do. My body is telling me no. It's never really done that before... at least not like this. Probably more of a mind vs body battle. 

I was thinking in the shower this morning about that saying about almost never having all parts of your life going well. If I think about the summer, my body felt great, work was medium, and love was bad. Would I exchange that for now, when work is good, love is good, and body is really bad? I don't know. Probably not. The work and love parts are making me really happy and fulfilled and challenged. 2/3 ain't bad. 

On another note, IT'S FRIDAY!!!

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