
Inspiration Tuesday (Wednesday)

I didn't have much down time yesterday for reflection, so I'm making it up today to keep the cadence.

My mom will sometimes write me emails in the morning that simply say "have a great day" or "it's beautiful out today" or just "good morning, love you!" This morning I received:

Every day is a new day.
Have a beautiful, sunny day!
Love ya!

Revival is often thought of in a religious light [which makes sense here, because my mom is very spiritual]. I don't know the origins of the word, but I wanted a broader perspective so I googled the definition.

Restoration to life, consciousness, vigor, strength.
A reawakening.
An improvement in the condition or strength of something.
The growth of something or an increase in the activity of something after a long period of no growth or activity. 

This idea of time that we base just about everything off of, is the one thing we absolutely have no control over. Yet it's the one thing we trust most - that tomorrow will be a new day (unless of course we die, but tomorrow will still happen without us). There could be some cataclysmal event that stops the earth from rotating, but outside of that, the one thing we absolutely have no control over, is the one thing we absolutely trust as fact to occur. How funny?

The newness of each day, that is provided to us within this idea of time, is quite beautiful. It is something to celebrate every day, because this idea of renewal is something that we did not choose or make, but that we just have. Because we are here and alive. Every morning we wake up, and we have a small-scale restoration to life. A reawakening. We learn, we grow, we freshly put ourselves out there again and again and again, and we revive the life within us. We grow stronger because of our relationships and experiences and choices. Every day we have that.

Every day.

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