
Inquiries on "Preparing to be a Help Meet"

I am wondering if hugging girls is always a stumbling block to young men. I’ve heard that it is, but recently a young man told me that it all depends on the individual guy, and he said that even full frontal hugs don’t bother him. I have a really hard time believing that. I like hugging, but I do not want to cause men to stumble. Are there appropriate hugs and inappropriate hugs? Are they all tempting men to lust?

How can you tell if you think God may be telling you something or if it’s just your girly imagination?

Remember, if you are Christ’s child then you are the daughter of the King. You must take every thought captive to Him. Keep and save yourself (body and soul) for your husband. Don’t dwell on those thoughts of you kissing ANYONE.

Hi!  So lately I’ve been thinking about whether earrings and makeup are ok or not to wear.  Sometimes I pray about it and I think I know what is right, but then I’m not sure later.  A lot of my closer friends don’t wear anything like that and think they are wrong, and since I can be very influenced, when I’m around them I end up thinking that also when we talk about it and stuff.  Then later I might think it’s ok to wear them,  but worry that they’ll think I’m going “worldly” or that I’m double faced or something.  I want to know if earrings and makeup are distracting or immodest and I want to do the right thing to please the Lord, but I want to make sure my decision is not off of my feelings of what I want or because I want my friends to accept me.  Has anyone ever gone through this or have any suggestions?  Oh, and normally it would be easier to be myself if I came to where I thought that earrings and makeup were ok, but recently when I was out visiting my friends for our church Bible school (where we used to live) I met a young man that I am praying about ;) , and he comes from a more conservative family. I don’t know if he is that conservative himself or how he feels about those things, but part of me is like “well maybe he wouldn’t like me if I did wear that stuff because he disagrees”/ or “maybe he’ll think I became worldly or something”.  I try to just pray when I feel that way and trust that God will work it out, but I’m just not sure.  It kinda makes things complicated!  Anyways, any help would be welcomed!  I’m really just not sure if they are right or wrong and would like to know if anyone has ever worked through something similar!  Thanks so much!! :)

It goes on and on. I have no words. These poor girls may live safely and happily in their own little [cult] world - and I hope they do. But from someone who got out - you deserve so much more than that. And you have no idea.

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