

My weekend was busy and interesting and tiring and other things. Hung out with my uncle who was in town, and his girlfriend, whom I really like. Such a strange thing. When we all sang happy birthday to my grandpa, he starting crying, in the shaking kind of way, and it broke my heart. He still cries when he talks or hears about things that remind him of grandma and you can tell he is so sad and lonely without her. He doesn't care about anything anymore - it's like it took him his whole life until now to realize that so many things don't matter, and the love you have with friends/family is what remains. Anyway, he was so overrun with emotion that even just 8 people cared about spending an evening with him, that it made him cry. Precious, beautiful, and heart-breaking.

Running in the mud and rain brings a pretty bad-ass sensation. We literally rolled around and played in mud. And then we had to all go in a huge tent and use hoses to rinse off with each other in our underwear. A man thought that up. And then the perfect afternoon at the beach - warm with a breeze, overcast transitioning into huge fluffy clouds, and empty.

And work has been nuts. I can't believe how busy I've been. Sometimes I can't believe I even manage to get done as much as I do. If I think about it all I just laugh with frenzy.

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