
There were donuts this morning FROM THE GOOD PLACE and yeah. I smelled them and went over in my head all of the options.... eat one and don't tell anyone (i.e. lie to myself), eat one and use a cheat day... but who eats just one donut, so more like eat 5 and use a cheat day. I mean, I can do whatever I want, there's not a gun to my head. But I walked away. Donuts. I miss you.

I made the mistake(?) of texting Adam this morning. He showed up in my dream last night, and then that song on the way to the beach... I did not expect him to respond, almost hoped that he wouldn't to give me that final push. Alas, he did. And made me smile. Mother fucker. Always making me smile. Friggin Adam G. If only I wasn't so attracted to that kid, all in my head and shit now.

Just another week.

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