

Three years ago I met someone who was obsessed with goals. At that time in my life I was more focused on figuring out what the hell made me happy, and goals were certainly not on my mind. I had things that I worked on, but I never spent enough time being mindful and purposeful about things I wanted. I'm grateful for meeting that person.

A year is difficult for me to wrap my mind around. Kate and I were talking last night about making aspirations or intentions around a more general direction you'd like to go or something you'd like to cultivate within yourself or your life. For example: I want to be more conscious and mindful of how I treat my body. This is less about losing 10 pounds or running 3 miles a day, but a whole lifestyle that changes the way you think and live. When I think about my year like this, a few things come to mind:

I want to be more intentional about my work. For so long I've been one foot in the door about my career. I picture myself being more, doing more, and constantly searching for that one thing that is going to fulfill my dynamic character. I was reminded recently that my ache to be more and do more is who I am, and I will carry that to any career. It suddenly dawned on me that maybe I need to commit to where I am and be purposeful with what I do have, and then maybe I will get more out of it. Maybe this year, I will stop thinking about the other side of the fence, and be intentional about where I am now. Sigh.

Though I recognize and am proud that I don't care about having the best electronics, cars, furniture, etc... I am still very consumer driven when it comes to clothes. I enjoy fashion, I always have. But I want to consume less. I want to ditch the fast fashion mentality. Not sure how I will approach this, but was thinking about approaching it like one might diet - a cleanse and a fast, i.e. cleaning out the closet and not shopping for a while. I'll see what I really like, what I gravitate to over and over again, and start with the basics. I also spend too much money.

Which leads me to my second focus: money. Gotta get my spending under control. I've already set up automatics payments and deposits into various accounts through March. Gosh it's only been 5 days of the year, so much further to go!

Which brings me to my 2 really boring themes for the year:
  • Work
  • Finances
I also have several other personal items I'd like to do, which I have named for Q1:
  • Read 3 books
  • Pick a charity to get involved with
  • 1 blog entry / week
  • Buy film for my camera... finally...
  • Try at least 1 new sport - kickboxing and/or snowboarding
  • No facebook or instagram! Excited about this one!
  • Watch more documentaries (1/wk)
  • Go to the dentist. Yes, I have to make this a goal.
  • Start trying tomatoes and fish. Because I have a year-long goal to learn to like these 2 items. 
All of this includes my normal yoga, climbing, and continued nutritionally balanced diet.

Year-long fun goals:
  • Learn to like tomatoes and fish (questionably fun)
  • Finish 1 book / month
  • Read a poem out loud somewhere public
  • Pelatonia? undecided
  • Climb outdoors at least 3 times
  • Travel within the states for outdoor sightseeing (3 new places): California, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Lake Tahoe... tbd
  • Have a garden this summer
  • Something with my brain. tbd,
I guess that's it folks. I think I'm excited.

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