
My girl scout cookies are in, so that means it's spring

I am so grateful I sit by a window at work. I'm certain I would be quite moody and down if I didn't. Whenever I need a moment to stop and contemplate, I always find myself looking out the window. Like now. I have been doing a little research about this new idea around business organization, which I find quite intriguing - mostly because the ideals are similar to the ones I have for my own life. The afternoons and mornings pass by so quickly as I read through comments and listen to presentations on the matter. Although I am neglecting many other items.

A couple days ago I had to give myself a little pep talk. I've been feeling a bit... needy? lately about a certain situation. Slightly anxious. And I have to remind myself, almost daily, to let it go. But I don't want to. But I do. See what I mean? I like this idea of starting with a few building blocks, and then just sense and respond. Like riding a bike. It's not easy to hold back, and so I have to remind myself why I want to.

That's the trouble with having 3 brains.

I feel myself reaching for other things to distract me, naturally so, but haven't determined yet if they are good or bad distractions. I want to be good to myself and to others. Perhaps I should ask myself why I am reaching for these things? I will do that now.

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