
I was wondering today why we cry when we are sad?

Webmd said it's cause it means our body/mind is overwhelmed with something and just explodes like that as a way of telling us we need to address something. Or even just take time to think on it or rest with it, and stop going going going.

I guess that was obvious.

NPR said it's evolution and communication.
Guess this wasn't all that interesting.

Either way, I'm so happy Rachel is back in my life again!

Today is a day. Sometimes I get so scared that everything will just fall and I'll be by myself, with nothing. It could happen. And we (I....) are (am) so selfish. I want so many things and society tells me I can and should have them, and if I don't have them then I've failed. But it goes so far beyond just getting something verses working for it. What or who ever said working for something guarantees we get it? Nothing guarantees anything, ever. And what is the end point, anyway? It's why I feel so strongly about a minimalist life. It's funny that most of the things I want are ideas, not things, and over time and experience the ideas of those things evolve and the path I started down ends up going somewhere else. Maybe losing things I thought I wanted most, and coping with that. And feeling lost, most of the time. These aren't new or innovative thoughts, but they are mine, constantly, nonetheless. Direction is just the aim.

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